There is nothing better than putting the world to rights over a cup of tea or coffee and a slice of cake. We aim to bring people together by hosting coffee mornings where residents can get to know one another and discuss the burning topics of the village. We hope this will engender community and for those who do not have as much contact with the outside world the chance to meet new people and to be in company.
We have been holding coffee mornings every month since April 2018, with a number of members opening their homes to the thirsty and hungry and those who just like to talk and those who just like to listen. Friendships are being made and people are enjoying themselves.
HVS organises coffee mornings each month at the homes of any members who are willing to host. Let us know if you would like to host and your preferred number of attendees (just 4 or 6 is fine). We hold two coffee mornings each month on diffrent days with different hosts and generally with a maximum of 8 to 10 people. To get on the regular mailing list, email, and you will be emailed with details of the next coffee mornings. These will also be posted in the Calendar. We thank Debbie Cox at Priesthawes for co-ordinating this group.